Friday, 24 January 2014

Dance Video: Minutes from our Meeting - Part II

Minutes for Meeting on 24th of January 2014

·      Concept – are we happy with it?
o   Interrelationship between man and the elements. It’s relevant to us because:
§  POWER/CONTROL: It deals with themes of power struggle. Man vs. Mother Nature. It shows how we’re a part of our environment. As well as the human tendency of wanting to master things that could be out of our control.
§  ADAPTATION: How man deals with their surroundings.
§  MOVEMENT: Movement of elemental particles shown through the dance.
§  EXPRESSION: Personifying the elements.

o   Dedicate a set or phase for each element: air, earth, fire and water. Approximately 2 minutes each.
o   Sound – still undecided. Perhaps create our own sound? Otherwise use something without lyrics, like Gill Chang’s “Black and White.”

·      Production schedule – February, March and April. As of now: We have TEN WEEKS LEFT.
o   Pre-Production: Whatever permissible. Likely to be three weeks.
o   Audition: 1 week.
o   Dance Practice and Choreography: 1 week.
o   Building the Set: 3 days.
§  Whilst we choreograph, 
o   Shooting: 1 week.
o   Editing & Sound Phase: 3 weeks.
o   Back Up Shoot or Edit Time: 1 week.

·      Order of the script and concept:
o   Sand should be first, then water, wind, & fire.

·      Current to do list:
o   TAMARA – Producer and Choreographer (Help with Camera later)
§  Email Gill Chang for copyright.
§  Draw up production schedule – the outline.
§  Email Rosie to make the Risk Assessment available on myUCA.
§  Start a casting call pro account to audition dancers.
§  Talk to Julie about booking available studios.
§  Talk to Chris Pinnock about our limitations and restrictions on the studios.
§  Consider more of the conceptual theory we can explore. Talk to Annabelle Frearson or Kathleen about what we can research.

o   AL – Director and VFX
§  Make a treatment. Check PPT for the checklist of a good treatment.
§  Al should read “Making Video Dance” and write up a list of interesting quotes or points. These notes are for the rest of the group to read.
§  Start the screenplay for each element. Extreme detail on what you expect to see.

o   JACOB  - Camera, Equipment and VFX
§  Talk to Simon about being inducted to the C300. Book a potential date with him, to be inducted.
·      Test lenses?
§  Think about film’s technical needs. Draw up equipment list. List what is available in equipment hire, or contacts on finding what’s not in the University (like the smoke machine or what not).

o   CALLAM - Editing and Production Design
§  Start looking up plans on how to build our sets.
§  Read books, or read up techniques on building.
§  Make Sketches on how we might build our sets. Include rought measurements.
§  Research what shops offer cheap materials – look at Robert Dyas?? Quote prices for us just so we can get an idea of materials.


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